Monday, July 26, 2010

What's the term when you start seeing more of something because you want something similar? Isolation percepti

You know, when you're thinking of buying a new car, lets say a VW, you suddenly start seeing so many more VWs on the road... Or when you want a new pair of Nike sneakers, you suddenly start seeing a lot of Nike sneakers... Is there a certain term/definition for that?What's the term when you start seeing more of something because you want something similar? Isolation percepti
. Selective Preception: ';...Selective perception is the personal filtering of what we see and hear so as to suit our own needs. Much of this process is psychological and often unconscious. Have you ever been accused of only hearing what you want to hear. Or ignoring things you don't want to see? '; etc. ..What's the term when you start seeing more of something because you want something similar? Isolation percepti
I used to have the same thing happen to me when I liked this girl that I know. I used to see her name everywhere, even when I wasn't trying to find it. Not her whole name, but just her first name. I'd see it in magazines, hear it on tv, etc. I'm not sure what it's called, but it sounds like an interesting topic.
Dunno but when you find out if there is such a term let me know cuz this is a very cool question....

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