Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What happens to human beings when they live 50-60 years in pure isolation?

Oooh, good question! I'll just conjecture here. :) Well, in any case, that person likely isn't going to be well off. But it really depends on what stage of life in which the isolation begins.

An isolated infant won't last to age 50. An isolated toddler likely wouldn't either.

Isolated preschoolers and young schoolchildren might make it if they learn to scavenge, but likely would be severely socially impaired (the ';feral children'; you will occasionally hear about).

Older children probably could make it, again given scavenging, but possibly with a lesser degree of social impairment since they'll already be able to engage in vocal verbal behaviors with themselves and will already have had some training in socialization.

A teenager or adult suddenly cut off from all contact with others would likely be the least impaired due to their more extensive history of socialization, but people of that age already know of ways to commit suicide and might choose not to continue living.What happens to human beings when they live 50-60 years in pure isolation?
Alone is one thing, Isolation, confinement, another. Report Abuse
What happens to human beings when they live 50-60 years in pure isolation?
I would say they are going to die soon, or getting ';crazy';.

Human are suppose to live in society and not in isolation.

We are made in order to communicate ,share and learn from each other.

And not to forget ,the loving part,to touch,and feel.....
chances are they would go in insane
is there any such thing as an ';isolated'; human? i'm not sure it would be possible to call someone who lived in isolation for such a long time ';human'; in an meaningful sense of the term -- biologically, sure... but there's more to life than biology, no?
They would die young.

There was a research done on mice.

One that was always well fed and played with.

It grew up happy and healthy.

One was constantly bothered but still well fed.

It grew up angry and sick.

One was completely ignored.

It died.
they would die or become insane...
When the humen race live 50-60 years in pure isolation they will be mentaly on that age when they started isolation.

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