Monday, November 21, 2011

How long is the road to isolation ?????

LOL. Thank you.How long is the road to isolation ?????
Hi Phil,

It's a long long cold dark walk and hard to get away out of it..Be Strong and you will find away..You need to go out with your Friends and start having some fun My Friend..I am starting to Worry about you My Friend..

A Friend,

poppy1How long is the road to isolation ?????
Closer than you think.
can be infinitely long
I take it alot, it is very short, I stay home and don't answer my phone. I really need to get out more. lol j
1 step inside my heart
if you are on Yahoo Q's and A's are now here..welcome!
Never driven down it
as long as the wireless network takes you with your laptop
It's a long and winding road, to obscurity.
it's the road paved with good intentions, which is a really long one.
its the green mile.
why do you ask? you don't need that road.
Miles and miles and miles. You pass my house on the way if you want a cup of tea and a bite to eat? :)
About 2-4miles.
As long as you make it.....champagne got me out of it..and a good bonk aswell xox
it's a dead end
Depends on how far away solitude is.
6 miles, just after the road to loneliness

What is the role of isolation in Evolution ?

when an animal or plant is isolated they evolve by their surroundings. For example, say tigers live on mainland but a few get separated by some act of nature. Millions of years down the line they will have evolved differently to adapt better to their little isolated island then their cousins on the main land.What is the role of isolation in Evolution ?
Isolation aids in and is the main cause of speciation in evolution.

(Help please on speach!) Is continued isolation of Japan is a good thing or a bad thing?

You are an influential samurai ( a Shi-Shi) in Japan when Commodore Matthew Perry forces Kanagawa in 1854. you must deliver a speech to your Daimyo about wether or not continued isolation of Japan is a good thing or a bad thing.

( I have to right a speech convinvincing my classmates, and I'm not to good with this subject can someone help me out?)(Help please on speach!) Is continued isolation of Japan is a good thing or a bad thing?
Well, first of all you should choose your stance on the position. You said that you must convince your classmates. But you didn't say what you try to convince them of. So, first you should decide which one you want to write about, and then gather information to support your idea.

in short (just my very basic views on the topic. try researching wikipedia on the topic for more detailed ideas):

continued isolation =

1) perservation of Japanese culture

2) you can control what ideas, goods come into your country from abroad

3) increased security (no criminals or dangerous individuals entering the country without your permision

4) able to avoid getting involved in other countries' wars

end of isolation =

1) able to develop quickly due to new ideas from foreign countries

2) cooperation and support from other nations in times of need

3) avoiding a confrontation with Commodore Perry and his ';black ships';.

One thing to think about is that Japan was never really complete isolated. before 1854, they still traded with China, Korea, and the Dutch. They just didn't let them come INTO Japan to trade.

hope this helps.(Help please on speach!) Is continued isolation of Japan is a good thing or a bad thing?
I'm pretty sure you're using the word ';shishi'; wrong. Because if I'm a shishi, there isn't an argument as to which side I'll choose. if i'm a shishi, for sure I'll say that it's a bad thing..........................

that's what the shishi means. they were national extremists.

Shishi murdered many foreigners and japanese nationals when they sided with the ending of isolationism.. including Ii Naosuke.

If on the other hand, you mean, I'm supposed to not have picked a side yet and advise properly, i would say that continued isolation is becoming unfeasible in light of world events. If we don't end isolation and start to attempt to make treatises, japan will end up semi-colonized like china and the rest of south-east asia.

(unfortunately, although isolation was ultimately ended, japan was forced to accept a series of unequal treaties that granted unequal trade agreements and extraterritoriality rights anyway until roughly the time of the Russo-Japanese war).
Tell your classmate that the countries which had came to Japan at that moment were not only America. First person who adviced Japan's shogun to open a country was William II of Holland in 1844.

Britain and Russia were also approached Japan.

Convention of Kanagawa between the US was signed in 1854.

Anglo-Japanese Friendship Treaty was also signed in 1854.

Treaty of Shimoda between Russia was signed in 1855.

You mean Bu-Shi?
Personally I believe a nation being isolated isn't a good thing since when you become isolated from others you tends to have this unrealized image of them. You tend to buy into stereotypes of what you see and hear of the group of people, not really experiencing those group of people face to face. Living in isolation cause you to become ignorant of other people and their cultures, but when you get the chance to meet other people and get to know the real them your ignorant will go away. Plus being isolated rob you of understanding other people cultures so I believe Japan shouldn't continuing to be isolation. I believe no nations,countries, people etc. should living in isolation. I hope I help you in some way, I'm not sure if I answered your question right, but I hope I did.

What would a long period of isolation do to a person? (say 2-3 years)

would the person show signs of dementia or not?

why and how so?

Thanks for your answers!What would a long period of isolation do to a person? (say 2-3 years)
People are social animals by nature. Isolation for this amount of time would cause death or at least insanity.What would a long period of isolation do to a person? (say 2-3 years)
Humans need to interact with other humans. When deprived of this for an extended period, they become depressed, and start having ';strange'; thoughts.The mind is a complex thing ! Inmates who have been in solitary confinement for long periods of time, are a good example ! I knew an old Viet Nam ';vet';, who lived up in the mountains by himself for 5 years. Went insane; Had to be locked up in a mental institution. I visited him off %26amp; on for 10 yrs.He didn't even remember me ! He died at age 55, while still being in relatively good health.
There is people in british prisons m.peterson for example that have spent and still spend there time on 23hr a day confined to there cell m.peterson has spent the last 12years in these conditions
Maybe go mad!

Talking to themselves.
should imagine it would make them pee themselves regulary and bark like a dog
turn in 2 a zebra and start eating grass
It would do me the world of good, Bloody kids

Which of the following doucuments was used to support isolation?

a. washingtons farewell adress

b. monroe doctrine

c. open door policy

d.emancipation proclamationWhich of the following doucuments was used to support isolation?
a. Washington's Farewell Address

b. Monroe Doctrine

How did the Bush regime turn the world's sympathy for us after 9/11 into isolation and dislike???

Americans have asked themselves that question since 9/11. Actually they asked themselves why it happened in the first place. America is a great nation, but it does have the habit of creating their own future problems. America is perceived by the rest of the world as pushy, bossy and unfair, they have many ways to push buttons and get other nations to do what they want, and people resent that. They also resent the fact that Americans refuse to conform to rules other countries are following, like the Kyoto agreement to stop global warming. America is the greatest energy hog in the world, it uses up resources like crazy, but not their own, but those of some other nation. America sets rules but does not follow them. Take the case of an American diplomat in a foreign country who runs over some poor guy and kills him. The diplomat is whisked out of the country in a matter of hours. Even when the diplomat was drunk when that happened. On the other hand, a foreign diplomatin the USA runs over an American citizen and is slapped in jail. Mr. Bush is perceived as the worst president America has ever had, his election remains questionable. America feels entitled to demand clean elections elsewhere, but at home?....And this guy goes out and gets reelected, frankly unbelievable. There were many strange attitudes in the President when informed of the attack, many people have commented about it, there are websites dealing with it. His relationship with the Bin Laden Family and the fact that no matter how much money USA funnels into the search for Mr. Bin Laden, they can't find him and innocent Americans are dying in a foreign land because of his decisions, really makes you wonder. Some say he was after the oil, and his buddies are making a fortune in construction contracts. He is so paranoid that he can only justify his position by going out and making war on enemies, real or imagined. Now it's the Mexicans, who next? Unfortunately America's foreign policy has earned America a lot of hate. The arrogance of many Americans who tend to look down on anyone else is offensive for many, their insularity, where they cannot see or accept anything beyond their borders, thus they stay within those borders also does not help. A lot of Americans ignore many things about other countries, other nations, they tend to label and stereotype them. Big Mistake. By the time his second term ends he might well have alienated many other nations against America. See what happened in Spain because of the pre-election bombing. Things like those tend to rub people the wrong way.

One thing that I found sad was the hurricane that hit New Orleans. The lack of preparedness was unbelievable, the lack of control, the lack of leadership, and having chosen the wrong person to handle an emergency like that only made me wonder if America had finally fallen for their own Hollywood supernation stereotype. America feels free to criticize others, but will accept no criticism if they are the ones to blotch it.

Those are some of the reasons. There are many more. Bush is not America. The people are America, but they do need to be more tolerant and respectful of others.How did the Bush regime turn the world's sympathy for us after 9/11 into isolation and dislike???
The Bush Administration turned the world's sympathy for us after 9/11 into isolation and dislike by deciding to go it alone rather than to take the ';higher road'; and employ a statesman-like approach to transfer that sympathy into a groundswell of viable, practical support and subsequent unified action.

It was HUGE missed opportunity.How did the Bush regime turn the world's sympathy for us after 9/11 into isolation and dislike???
not the bush 'regime' its the world around us, one of the main causes to hate/isolation/dislike is jealousy, the fact of the matter is that we are one of the greatest if not the greatest countries in the world..
All the previous answers BUT one... geezzzzz...
easy - -

He went after the wrong people and lied to do it
our arrogance in our own power and lack of sympathy of other nation's trouble.we want pity for the horrible attacks (which were inexcusable and wrong)but we other nothing in return to all the other country's that have suffered the same things
WEll, I'd say it had a LOT to do with us invading, bombing, killing, policing and threatening the rest of the world. Sad as it is, as not everybody in america agrees with gwb, the world thinks badly of us americans..

because of this idiot we have at the helm

I still cannot believe that he was actually elected.. (this term) after stealing the last election and lying to the american people and the world!
Mairead, what a great answer! And yeah Bush went after Iraq claiming they had weapons of mass destruction. the UN searched and said they didnt have any, but Bush said **** the UN i'm going anyway, for Oil and money.

He claims that he is protecting America, but North Korea and other places have openly exercised Nuclear projects, but all they do is talk to them, hold talks, lets talk...its cause they have no Oil, thats why they dont give a ****.
I didnt know this was a popularity contest.

Other countries have always disliked us for one reason or another. How about this reason? Our government works?

While it didnt say perfectly it seems its the best system so far.

Only victims need sympathy and we are not victims.

Stop it with the victim mentality already
  • eye make up
  • The term ';reproductive isolation mechanism'; refers to?

    a. specific areas where males compete or display for females

    b. the process by which sexual selection evolves within a population

    c. a blockage of gene flow between populations

    d. the inability of a species to continue reproduction

    e. all of theseThe term ';reproductive isolation mechanism'; refers to?

    the answer is D

    it is the inablitly of a species to continue to reproduce.

    C the answer is C

    a blockage of gene flow between populations.

    The answer is actually both... talk to your teacher.

    this is a terrible question...

    Im giving Jaki (my friend... outside source) credit for help thoughThe term ';reproductive isolation mechanism'; refers to?
    C. [read the source]

    You isolate organisms so they can only reproduce between those you've isolated, and therefore there can't be gene flow, since they can only reproduce with those that are isolated with them.