Monday, July 26, 2010

How do I get rid of a deadbeat guy when i fear being alone after a long isolation during Grad school?

You must know and honor your worth. You do that by accepting nothing less from what you get from others than you give to them. Anything less than that diminishes you, your energy and spirit. You are deserving of the love, attention, devotion and friendship that you imagine. Fearing the possibility of being alone is a powerful motivation to keep things the way the are, but you know it's not what you desire your situation to be. My gosh, you got through grad school, congratulations. Do you know how many people are unable to accomplish that because their fear stops them? Look at what you have done, it's an amazing and very challenging process you have gone through. Take some time to bask in your victory and accomplishments. Surround yourself with the things you desire and that give you peace and happiness to behold. Create the environment you deserve and have earned. Things in your life that do not reflect what you deserve are clutter. Clutter creates the sort of chaos and negative energy that prevents things of positivity, honor and worth from becoming a part of your life.How do I get rid of a deadbeat guy when i fear being alone after a long isolation during Grad school?
As long as you fear the fear and let it get the best of you then you will never know what may be around the corner for you? I also think that you are settling right now just to have someone in your life and this is not healthy at all. If this guy is a deadbeat and a sorry lazy louse then by all means get some pesticide and get rid of him. He is a pest and is going to continue to be a pest as long as you will let him be. You need a real life and you ain't gonna get it with a dead beat. Move on honey , walk around that corner and take that chance , who knows you may just find what you are looking for. Ya know , us women have to kiss a lot of toads before we actually find our prince charming and it is not easy but who says it was gonna be right? When the time comes and it will when the time is right , the man of your dreams will come strolling along and a light bulb will go off in your head and presto you can pursue it with confidence which is something you really do not have right now.How do I get rid of a deadbeat guy when i fear being alone after a long isolation during Grad school?
I feared being alone after dating the same loser for 4 years. After losing him I was sad and almost took him back just because I was lonely, but then being single and being with people just to be with them and not because I was obligated became more appealing. Yes it's going to feel strange and lonely at first, but once the ';single'; world opens up to you, you will be happy that you did what you did. Especially if he's a dead beat. You'll find someone motivated and worth your time, but not if you've got the ball and chain following you around. And don't look where you found this one, let them come to you.
Sounds like you like having a guy even though you know he is no good. If you know he is no good, drop him. And why would you be so isolated during grad school??

Life is going to give you turns and twists you won't see coming. But it is too short to waste time with a guy who is no good.
just do it!

its gona be so difficult and lonely and you're probably gona feel like u wna die......but u should definitely do it to get rid of your fear and feel so accomplished when you finally get over the whole mess

its the healthy thing to do. nothing worth having comes easy =)
Just get rid of him. Staying with a guy you don't want to be with just because you don't want to be alone is a terrible excuse. You will be happier alone...that way you can be available to find another guy.
read ';it's called a breakup because it's broken.';

if you know it's going nowhere with him, then even if you're alone, at least you're going SOMEWHERE - you're that much closer to finding the right person.
Part company. You will surely meet another fellow.
tell him he scares you. worked for me

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