Saturday, August 21, 2010

Isolation of mental health care consumers

It seems like a lot of people with mental health issues are isolated, not married, and sometime unemployed. Those isolated seem to remain alone for life, which is not good.

What kind of help are available? Are there therapy worth the cost available? Is chatting with a shrink or with group the only forms of therapy?Isolation of mental health care consumers
I think it depends on how symptomatic they are.If a mentally ill person is constantly manic and raging, OF COURSE they`ll be isolated, ( because it`s not prosocial behaviour). This is what I`ve experience as a mentally ill person. The more symptomatic I am the more isolated I become. But normally people are not aware that I`m mentally ill.Isolation of mental health care consumers
I'm a psychotic depressive. I've been depressed for as long as I can remember and I had my first psychotic episode when I was 23. I was hospitalized for about five days on one occasion. My family and friends are kind of supportive, but they really don't understand. I do believe because of my mental illness I lack certain social skills as I never had a romantic relationship even though I know this I don't think there is anything I can do to change it. I've tried several different jobs in the past two years. I have some friends at work, but not many. I get reprimanded alot by my supervisor. I'm trying to hang on this job as some of my symptoms have eased. Anyways there's a short introduction of me.

There are different kinds of help I have utilized in the past. These include group therapy, outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, and various meds. I haven't tried one on one therapy as I just cannot afford it and I don't think it would help.

I agree that I'm a little isolated. I agree that society isolates those that are mentally ill. I just don't know what really can be done about it though.
It is true that people with mental health that don't take meds or stay on meds lose friends and family, in some cases. Most of the time they have wanted to long and hurt to many people before they seek help or get comited that's why they are isolated.

But there is a lot of help out there once they get into a program they have a case worker. which helps them get back into the real world at a speed they can deal with.

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